A Shockingly Simple Way to Stop CAUTI in Hospitals

As you may be aware, catheter-associated urinary tract infections are among the most common infections in hospital settings. The causes and facts for CAUTI are numerous, but typically infections are developed from compromised sterility when inserting a catheter, or...

CAUTIS and Urinary Catheter Facts

Today I found a fact sheet on CAUTI and catheter usage and thought I’d share some of the statistics and information with you. http://www.wocn.org/resource/resmgr/cauti_fact_sheet.pdf This review of CAUTIs and urinary catheters presents factual, sourced information...

Catheters for Scuba Diving

While most catheters are purchased for medical purposes, many men have other uses for external male catheters aside from incontinence or Urology. Once such instance of this is scuba diving. Nature calls no matter where you’re at, and scuba diving presents some...

New Catheter Trays from Medline Help Prevent CAUTIs

Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections are the source of the suffering of patients, extended costs, and more frequent hospital care for many patients.  In fact, CAUTIs have been on the rise in hospitals for years now. Medline’s new catheter tray helps to...